How often should I apply MooBuzz® All-Natural Leather Protection?
As a cobbler I notice that people fall into one of three general categories when it comes to caring for footwear. They either:
- Do nothing
- Do Something
- Do too much
As a general rule you want to be right in the middle: Do something.
You can tell if you’re doing too little because your leather will look dry and the color may look faded. Dry leather tends to shrink away from the stitching which can cause seams to loosen up which, in turn, may cause threads to break. Really dry leather can begin to crack which will cause the early demise of even the best leather shoes or boots.
It’s amazing what a light spritz of water and a horse hair brush will do for a tired looking shoe or boot. If your boots and shoes aren’t getting really dirty you may just need to wipe them down once in a while with a damp cloth and brush them off. Treat them to a light coat of MooBuzz® All-Natural Leather Protection twice a year or so. Pay attention – if you notice that drops of water are soaking into your leather instead of beading up, it’s time to reapply some MooBuzz® Leather Protection.
Grit and grime can act like sandpaper across the top of your boot. If your shoes and boots are getting really dirty on a regular basis you’ll want to clean them on a regular basis. If you’re washing your boots regularly, the frequent wetting and drying can cause the leather to dry out. Remember: no heat to dry your boots and shoes! Follow each wash and dry session with an application of MooBuzz® Leather Protection to keep the leather conditioned and waterproofed.
Be careful not to over-condition! Your leather should not feel loose and greasy. Too much oil can cause weakening of the leather fibers and may even cause eyelets and lace hooks to pull out. Again, pay attention: when water soaks into your leather instead of beading up, it’s time to reapply.
Recap - When should you use MooBuzz® All-Natural Protection?
- When your boots are brand new – soften the leather to speed break-in and to prevent water damage.
- When your boots are feeling stiff after washing and drying – use it to replenish moisture and waterproof. Be judicious. You can always put on another coat.
- When you notice water soaking in instead of beading up – it’s time to re-apply.
- When the salt trucks come out in the winter - MooBuzz® Leather Protection helps prevent salt damage!
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